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Freezetime browser based "roguelike"

planted on in: Games, Game Development, Pixel Art, Review and Roguelike.
~270 words, about a 2 min read.

Freezetime JavaScript game by Patrick Seeber

Two genres that I am absolutely in love with are indie game development and pixel art; as a result a large number of the people that I follow on Twitter fall into those two categories as developers, artists or both. Having such a talented group of people to follow I often find my twitter feed saturated in absolutely amazing work and today one such piece stood out to me above all others. That thing is a small work-in-progress browser game, written in JavaScript called Freezetime (click to play) with gameplay by Patrick Seeber aka @rubikow and design by Chris Early aka @ChrisWEarly.

The game itself while obviously in very early stages of development already has a really nice atmosphere, even though it currently has a very minimalistic tile set. While playing it, the game feels very roguelike as you travel around the desolate frozen landscape leaving footprints in the snow as you move, often stumbling accross corpses and abandoned buildings.

What stood out to me the most when Chris tweeted a short animated sequence from the game was the art style. The game already has a fantastic aethetic even with an extremely limited pallette of colours and no other animation than the camera moving over the map.

I am going to be keeping a very interested eye out for future developments to #Freezetime; because while its already fun to explore there is nothing in the way of gameplay and I believe with a few more mechanics this could become a favourite.

Page History

This page was first added to the repository on March 21, 2021 in commit 83e1321a and has since been amended 6 times. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor(#304): move files into src folder
  2. feat(#108): removes categories in favour of tags (topics)
  3. feat(#108): moved content into digital garden structure and began work on content type pagination
  4. refactor: add growthStage meta to posts
  5. refactor :: update all img src to point to new path