🌳 Evergreen thought

2023, Week 32 in Review

planted on in: Week In Review.
~271 words, about a 2 min read.

After spending some time last week, setting up a fresh Hetzner dedicated server I came to the realisation of why Hetzner didn't yet have official setup for Debian 11 (bullseye) - it's buggy on their hardware.

This week I spent some time researching alternatives to Hetzner. I knew that Hetzner were good value, but I didn't realise until I went looking for similar elsewhere how good value they are. I could not find an alternative for the same price without sacrificing something!

I have since decided to wait until Hetzner do officially support Debian 11; while I had wanted to get a new server set up quickly there really isn't much of a rush and I would rather stay with Hetzner.

Joke of the week

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Page History

This page was first added to the repository on December 21, 2023 in commit be23c1d5 and has since been amended once. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor: reorder week in review due to missed week in 2023
  2. publish: 2023, Week 31 in Review